Things That Were True Three Weeks Ago

Lately I’ve been thinking about all the things that were true three weeks ago….I am 100% sure I either said these things or thought them with complete confidence before living here. And yet I’ve done the exact opposite!

1. I could never take a cold shower every day

2. I could never pull off an aussie accent and convince a native I’m not American (the trick is to use their slang 😉 )

3. I could never spend $57 on a tiny bottle of Jack (sorry dad…I swear that’s on sale!!!)

4. I could never sleep while it’s 83 degrees

5. I could never go for a run with 88% humidity

6. I could never go two weeks without a cold soda!

7. I could never go a month cooking for myself every meal (we have gone out a few time, but still!)

8. I could never wear my hair up every day

9. I could never stand to be sweaty 24/7 (welcome to no air con)

10. I could never really feel at home here ❤

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